Students' Creation
Students' Essay Extracts
Year 2
Chung Ching High (Main)
The advertisements in my country show a lot about my country's culture and what Singaporeans like to do. Imagine your mother fighting with an elderly woman for the last bottle of soy sauce on the supermarket shelf! Let me tell you why that would happen.
The advertisements in my country show that Singaporeans are "kiasu". We, Singaporeans, do not like to lose to others even if it is a minor thing, we always have to be the first or the best.
Such attitude results in catastrophe such as the recent "Swatch X Omega disaster". People queued up from 4 a.m. in the morning just to be the lucky few to get a $400 watch. This shows that if there is something to compete in, Singaporeans will always want to come out on top even if it means throwing aside our morals.
Year 1
Raffles Institution
Chinese New Year is a time of celebration and gathering.
A time of happiness and joy.
A time where our piggy banks fill back up to the brim,
and a time to get ready for the next year.
Yet in this ongoing pandemic, some of these are not achievable.
Some of us in other countries have to stay alone,
during this supposedly happy time.
Some, in sickness and others
who have already been claimed by death
But despite all this gloominess, life must still go on.
For there wll be joyful times, like a dog which found a bone,
merry times, like a happy bird chirping in the big blue sky
and times we feel grateful and fortunate that we are still alive.
Because this pandemic, like all things, will always have an end.
Year 3
Although efforts are being made to improve the plight of the disabled, the progress is far too slow to be able to effectively combat the unfair treatment against them. This can be seen from even before the disabled are even born. Parents choosing to abort their deformed and disabled babies who are already confirmed to have Down Syndrome is a universal practice that highlights that society is not built for the handicapped. While the parents who chose to abort the Down Syndrome baby do it out of love for their child and not want him to suffer through their life, this emphasizes that having disabilities would bring about inconveniences which become suffering when not properly addressed by the society. The stigma attached to disability sticks to the handicapped even before they are born and throughout their lives, the disabled become prime examples of the deeply ingrained view that the disabled have very little to contribute to society. This mindset has slowed down the progress of improvements for them.
P6 student essay
Have you ever got into trouble because of curiosity? Have you ever asked yourself interesting questions like: how does a lock work, or how termites build their homes? Today I am going to tell you more about pros and cons of having curiosity. The good thing about being curious is that you would get to know more about the world that we are living in, rather than being as lazy as a koala, sitting in front of the computer playing it all day. I would usually go and ask the staff in a shop about products whenever my parents are shopping in the same shop. When I cannot go to shopping malls, I would look up the Internet about interesting gadgets my friends in class have. Then I would learn new things about Science or how things are made. This is why I recommend that we have curiosity.